Advanced Data Types


  • They are represented in three types:

    • String - A smart pointer.

    • &String - Reference to a String.

    • &str - String Slice

    • Defining a String

      fn main() {
      let string = String::new(""); // It can grow and shrink
      let string_literal = "1234"; // It's memory is fixed at runtime
    • Slicing a string

      fn main() {
      let string = String::from("");
      let string_slice = &string[10..14]; // We can also use &string[10..]
      // We can also use
      let string_slice = &string[10..]; // Give me everything after 10th byte not character
      let string_slice = &string[..12]; // Give me everything upto 12th byte not character
    • Rust uses UTF-8 encoding. So, prefer not to not pass integer values for slicing, as the slice function slices on the basis of bytes instead of characters.

      fn main() {
      let string = String::from("😀😃😄😁");
      let string_slice = &string[..4];

      For this slice instead of returning 4 emojis, the rust will return 1 emoji because it takes 4 bytes to store an emoji.

      string_slice = "😀"
    • Strings in rust can dynamically grow or shrink.

    • We can borrow an entire string by using this syntax

      fn main() {
      let string = String::from("");
      let string_borrow: &str = &string;
  • This is how let s1 = String::from("hello"); is stored in Rust:

    • Left - Parts of String that are stored on the stack:
      1. Pointer: Points to the memory that holds the contents of the string.
      2. Length: How much memory, in bytes, the contents of the String is currently using.
      3. Capacity: The total amount of memory, in bytes, that the String has received from the allocator.
    • Right - The memory on the heap that holds the contents.


String Slicing

  • Slices let you reference a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection rather than the whole collection.

  • A slice is a kind of reference, so it does not have ownership.

  • Slices are represented by &str and are immutable.

    fn main() {
        let s = String::from("hello world");
        let hello = &s[0..5]; // or you can use &s[..5]
        let world = &s[6..11];
  • This will throw compile-time error:

    // FAIL: You cannot clear the memory, to which some reference already exists
    fn main() {
        let mut s = String::from("hello world");
        let word = first_word(&s); // Returns a &str, which is a referenc to s
        s.clear(); // error!
        println!("the first word is: {}", word);
  • Thus, String Slices helps us write secure code by protecting the references to a string.

  • Also string literals let string_literal = "hello";, are string slices &str, and are immutable.

Note: It is expected that the String only contains ASCII characters, because in case of UTF-8, if we try to slice between a multibyte character, it'll cause an error.

  • The correct way to use referencing is discussed int the section, "Which is better &String or &str?".

  • Difference between String, String Literal, String Slice

    PropertyStringString LiteralString SliceReference to String
    Definitionlet string = String::from("some_string");let string_literal = "1234";let string_slice = &string[1..3]let string_reference = &string
    Memory ManagementHeap (but deallocates when out of scope)Heap (Points to binary)Heap (Points to Binary)Heap
    Use CasesTaking Input, or any String ManipulationDefining Constant StringsSlicing and BorrowingBorrowing

Strings and UTF-8 encoding

  • Characters are represented by single inverted commas, and has 4 bytes of storage. For Example, '😀'.

  • String is not a collection of characters but collections of bytes.

  • Rust has only one string type in the core language, which is the string slice str that is usually seen in its borrowed form &str.

  • String Slices are the references to some UTF-8 data stored somewhere else.

  • String Literals are string slices when stored in program's binary.

  • The String type, which is provided by Rust’s standard library rather than coded into the core language, is a growable, mutable, owned, UTF-8 encoded string type.

  • When Rustaceans, call "string in rust", they collectively mean:

    • String
    • &str
  • Both String and &str are UTF-8 encoded.

  • Creating the String type:

    fn main() {
    let mut s = String::new();
  • To create a String from some starting string:

    fn main() {
    let s = "initial contents".to_string(); // This fn can be used on any type that implements Display trait
    let s = String::from("initial contents");
  • It is possible to store any properly encoded data:

    fn main() {
    let hello = String::from("नमस्ते");
    let hello = String::from("안녕하세요");
    let hello = String::from("Здравствуйте");
  • Updating the String:

    fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("foo");
    s.push_str("bar"); // It takes string slice, hence doesn't takes ownership
    s.push('!'); // This fn only takes character as argument.
    // s will become "foobar!"
  • Concatenating two strings with the + operator:

    fn main() {
    // '+' is a replacement of - fn add(self, s: &str) -> String {
    let s1 = String::from("Hello, ");
    let s2 = String::from("world!");
    let s3 = s1 + &s2; // note s1 has been moved here and can no longer be used

Note: In Rust, if we provide &str, as a function's argument, it can accept both &String and &str. Rust uses a deref coercion, which here turns &s2 into &s2[..].

  • Combining multiple strings or formatting them:

    fn main() {
    let s1 = String::from("tic");
    let s2 = String::from("tac");
    let s3 = String::from("toe");
    // Method 1
    let s = s1 + "-" + &s2 + "-" + &s3;
    // Method 2
    let s = format!("{}-{}-{}", s1, s2, s3); // It works like println!() but returns String
  • Indexing into Strings is not possible and results in error:

    fn main() {
    // FAIL: Strings can be indexed in Rust
    let s1 = String::from("hello");
    let h = s1[0]; // Won't work
  • How values are stored in string.

    • String is just a wrapper over Vec<u8>, this means 1 byte of space for each element in the vector. Hence, if we want to save special charcters, then it may take more than one element to store the values.

    • Let's consider following examples:

      fn main() {
      let hello = String::from("Hola"); // Each character will take 1 byte of storage
      let hello = String::from("Здравствуйте"); // Each character will take 2 bytes of storage
    • Let's understand using the Hindi word “नमस्ते”:

      • As Bytes (the way String does using u8 which ranges from 0 to 255):

        fn main() {
        [224, 164, 168, 224, 164, 174, 224, 164, 184, 224, 165, 141, 224, 164, 164,
        224, 165, 135]
      • As Unicode Scalar Values (the way char does):

        fn main() {
        ['न', 'म', 'स', '्', 'त', 'े']
      • As Grapheme Clusters (the way a Hindi speaker might do):

        fn main() {
        ["न", "म", "स्", "ते"]
  • Slicing Strings:

    • You need to provide the range of bytes to be sliced out of String. Again, not characters but bytes.

      fn main() {
      let hello = "Здравствуйте"; // Each character here is composed of 2 bytes
      let s = &hello[0..4]; // It'll save first 4 bytes, `Зд`
      let will_panic = &hello[0..1]; // It'll panic, as if invalid index was accessed in the vector.
  • Iterating over strings:

    • You can iterate over the unicode scalar values or what chars might store:

      fn main() {
      for c in "नमस्ते".chars() {
          println!("{}", c);
      // This is what it'll print
    • You can iterate over bytes also, the way String is stored in Vec<u8> format:

      fn main() {
      for b in "नमस्ते".bytes() {
          println!("{}", b);
      // The output will be like
      // --snip--