Error Handling

Types of Errors

Errors like file not found error.Errors like trying to access a location beyond the end of an array.
It’s reasonable to report the problem to the user and retry the operation.They are always symptoms of bugs.
Result<T, E> is used for Recoverable Errors.The panic! macro is used to stop the execution for an unrecoverable error.

Unrecoverable Errors with panic!

Fun Fact: In C, attempting to read beyond the end of a data structure is undefined behavior. You might get whatever is at the location in memory that would correspond to that element in the data structure, even though the memory doesn’t belong to that structure. This is called a buffer overread and can lead to security vulnerabilities if an attacker is able to manipulate the index in such a way as to read data they shouldn’t be allowed to that is stored after the data structure. In Rust, you'll encounter a panic!() in such cases.

  • When the panic! macro executes, Rust does the following:

    • Print a failure message
    • Unwind and clean up the stack
    • Quit
  • Panic is usually used, when a bug appears and the programmer doesn't know how to handle it.

  • If you don't want your program to "slowly unwind and clean up the stack" instead "abort the program and let OS handle the cleaning". You may do that by adding following lines to the Cargo.toml file. Refer here for more.

    fn main() {
    panic = 'abort'
  • To receive a backtrace in case of panic, you might need to run the following command:

    RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run
  • The best way to read backtraces is to ready from top to bottom, once you see the first instance mentioning a file that you've written, you should probably try to solve from there.

  • Debug symbols (they are required to receive backtraces) are enabled by default when using cargo build or cargo run without the --release flag.

Recoverable Errors with Result

  • Result is an enum, that considers two possible outcomes: success (Ok(T)) or failure (Err(E)).

    fn main() {
    enum Result<T, E> {
  • Handling recoverable errors using the match expression.

    use std::fs::File;
    fn main() {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt");
        let f = match f {
            Ok(file) => file, // Handling Success
            Err(error) => panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", error), // Handling Failure
  • Matching on different errors:

    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::ErrorKind;
    fn main() {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt");
        // Match on File, whether it gets opened or not
        let f = match f {
            Ok(file) => file,
            // If file not found, then create a new file and transfer file handle,
            // this error is part of io::ErrorKind, which was found using error.kind()
            Err(error) => match error.kind() {
                // In case we receive ErrorKind::NotFound, we'll apply
                // match again to check whether creation of file, fails or succeeds
                ErrorKind::NotFound => match File::create("hello.txt") {
                    Ok(fc) => fc,
                    Err(e) => panic!("Problem creating the file: {:?}", e),
                other_error => {
                    panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", other_error)
  • In case you don't like using a lot of match statements (refer above example), you may use unwrap_or_else:

    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::ErrorKind;
    fn main() {
       let f = File::open("hello.txt").unwrap_or_else(|error| {
         if error.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound {
           File::create("hello.txt").unwrap_or_else( |error| {
             panic!("Problem creating the file: {:?}", error);
         } else {
           panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", error);
  • In case you want a shortcut, you may only use unwrap(). It either returns what's inside Ok(T), or panics in case of Err(E):

    use std::fs::File;
    fn main() {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt").unwrap();
  • For those cases, when you want to send a panic message but only want to unwrap in one line, you may use expect:

    use std::fs::File;
    fn main() {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt").expect("Failed to open hello.txt"); // Same as unwrap but contains panic message
  • Propogating errors using the Result:

    fn main() {
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::{self, Read};
    fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt");
        let mut f = match f {
            Ok(file) => file,
            Err(e) => return Err(e), // This is a std::io error type
        let mut s = String::new();
        match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
            Ok(_) => Ok(s),
            Err(e) => Err(e), // This is also a std::io error type
  • The shortcut of above code can be done using ?. unwrap panics in case of Err(E), but this operator returns the error, same as the code above.

    fn main() {
    // ? operator changes the error type to the mentioned
    // Error type in the fn declaration using the from implementation
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io;
    use std::io::Read;
    fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
        let mut f = File::open("hello.txt")?;
        let mut s = String::new();
        f.read_to_string(&mut s)?;
  • It is possible to use the ? operator multiple times in a single line:

    fn main() {
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io;
    use std::io::Read;
    fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
        let mut s = String::new();
        File::open("hello.txt")?.read_to_string(&mut s)?;
  • There's a Rust's official implementation of the functionality mentioned in the above code:

    fn main() {
    use std::fs;
    use std::io;
    fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
  • The ? operator can only be used in the functions that has a return type of Result<Ok(T), Err(E)>, Option<Some(T), None>, or another type that implements FromResidual:

    // FAIL: main() doensn't returns a Result<>
    // but the ? operator requires that
    use std::fs::File;
    fn main() {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt")?;
    fn main() {
    // It works with the Option
    fn last_char_of_first_line(text: &str) -> Option<char> {
  • There's a way to use ? inside main(). The main() either returs 0 on success or other integer on failure. Also, it's possible to return <Result(), E>:

    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fs::File;
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        let f = File::open("hello.txt")?;
  • Differences between unwrap, unwrap_or, and ? operator

Propertyunwrapexpectunwrap_or? operator
Error HandlingPanicsPanics with the given messageExecutes code inside it's paranthesesReturns error
Can be used on Result:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Can be used on Option:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Function return type to be same as wrapped item:x::x::x::heavy_check_mark:

Note: You can only use the ? operator on a Result in a function that returns Result, and you can use the ? operator on an Option in a function that returns Option.

  • To panic! or Not to panic!

    • When to use Result

      • When panic! is called, there is no way to recover the program, so if there is a slightest possiblity to recover the program, it's recommended to use that instead of panic!.
      • Always try to prevent converting a recoverable error into an unrecoverable one. Hence, always prefer Result over panic!.
      • The unwrap and expect methods are very handy when prototyping, and if you want to make your program more robust, you may add better error handling.
    • When to use panic!

      • In case you want your test to fail in certain cases, even if a certain fn is not exactly what the test is for, it's better to panic! in those situations.
      • It’s advisable to have your code panic when it’s possible that your code could end up in a bad state. The bad state is something that is unexpected, as opposed to something that will likely happen occasionally, like a user entering data in the wrong format. You don't want to carry this bad state throughout the program and instead would prefer it to end through panic!.
      • If someone calls your code and passes in values that don’t make sense, the best choice might be to call panic! and alert the person using your library to the bug in their code so they can fix it during development.
      • Similarly, panic! is often appropriate if you’re calling external code that is out of your control and it returns an invalid state that you have no way of fixing.
      • When your code performs operations on values, your code should verify the values are valid first and panic if the values aren’t valid. This is mostly for safety reasons: attempting to operate on invalid data can expose your code to vulnerabilities.
      • However, having lots of error checks in all of your functions would be verbose and annoying. Fortunately, you can use Rust’s type system (and thus the type checking the compiler does) to do many of the checks for you. If your function has a particular type as a parameter, you can proceed with your code’s logic knowing that the compiler has already ensured you have a valid value. For example, if you have a type rather than an Option, your program expects to have something rather than nothing.
      • Another example is using an unsigned integer type such as u32, which ensures the parameter is never negative.
    • When to call unwrap()

      • In case you exactly know that the code won't panic!, then it's better to use unwrap(), and stop caring about the other possibilities. Here's an Example:

        fn main() {
        use std::net::IpAddr;
        // Compile isn't smart enough to see this string is a valid IP address
        // but we are
        let home: IpAddr = "".parse().unwrap();