Advanced Types

Uses of the Newtype Pattern

  • Type Safety: We can wrap u32 values with structs Millimeters and Meters. Now, if a value is stored in Millimeters, it is safe to say that this value can't call functions defined for Meters, and vice versa is true.
  • Abstraction: We could provide a People type to wrap a HashMap<i32, String> that stores a person’s ID associated with their name. Code using People would only interact with the public API we provide, such as a method to add a name string to the People collection; that code wouldn’t need to know that we assign an i32 ID to names internally.

Type Aliases

  • This is how you can create a type alias:

    fn main() {
    type Kilometers = i32;
  • How it works?

    • Values with type Kilometers will be treated same as i32.
    • We aren't creating a new type, we're just adding a synonym to i32, called Kilometers
  • Hence, doing something like this is totally fine:

    fn main() {
    let x: i32 = 5;
    let y: Kilometers = 5;
    println!("x + y = {}", x + y); // This will work
  • The advantage is that it will give us the flexibility that any function with an argument of i32, we can pass Kilometers value to it.

  • The disadvantage is that we don't get the type checks as we get in the newtype pattern.

  • You can create an alias where you want to prevent naming a complex type.

    fn main() {
    type Thunk = Box<dyn Fn() + Send + 'static>; // A type that stores closure
    let f: Thunk = Box::new(|| println!("hi")); // We don't need to specify the longer type, instead we can say just "Thunk"
    fn takes_long_type(f: Thunk) { // Again, we don't need to specify the longer type, just "Thunk"

Fun Fact: Thunk is a word for code to be evaluated at a later time, so it’s an appropriate name for a closure that gets stored

  • We can also shorten a Result values of I/O operations like this

    fn main() {
    type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, std::io::Error>;
  • Now, Result<usize, Error> can be replaced with Result<usize> and Result<(), Error> can be replaced with Result<()>. Also, we can use the ? operator, since it's the same type.

The never type !

  • This type never returns. In type theory lingo it is known as the empty type because it has no values.

  • Rust prefers to call it the never type because it stands in the place of the return type when a function will never return.

    fn main() {
    // People read it as, "the function bar(), returns never", and are called diverging functions
    fn bar() -> ! {
        // --snip--
  • Rust never allows a variable to have different possible data types.

    fn main() {
    // FAIL: You can't create a variable "guess", that may have either number or string
    let guess = match guess.trim().parse() {
        Ok(_) => 5,
        Err(_) => "hello",
  • But this is possible:

    fn main() {
    let guess: u32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
        Ok(num) => num,
        Err(_) => continue, // Wait a minute, how's this even allowed?
  • The continue has a never type (!), which means it'll never return any value. That is, when Rust computes the type of guess, it looks at both match arms, the former with a value of u32 and the latter with a ! value. Because ! can never have a value, Rust decides that the type of guess is u32.

  • You can remember it this way, the ! can get coerced to any other type.

  • This is the original implementation of unwrap!(). Here, the return type is coerced to a single type T, and that's because panic!() ends the program and has a never type (!).

    fn main() {
    impl<T> Option<T> {
        pub fn unwrap(self) -> T {
            match self {
                Some(val) => val,
                None => panic!("called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value"),
  • The value of the expression of loop is also of the type !.

    fn main() {
    print!("forever ");
    loop {
        print!("and ever ");

Dynamically Sized Traits and the Sized trait

  • DSTs or unsized types let us write code using values whose size can only be known at runtime.

  • So, Rust doesn't let us create strings with str (not &str):

    fn main() {
    let s1: str = "Hello there!";
    let s2: str = "How's it going?";
  • Why's that?

    • Rust needs to know a fixed size of a type. Here s1 takes 12 bytes and s2 takes 15 bytes.
    • It's not possible to accomodate all the strings in a single fixed size.
  • What's the solution?

    • &str is the solution.
    • It stores two values: the address of the str and its length.
    • So, that makes &str will only need two usize, one for the address and the other for the length.
    • That's why, we always know the size of a &str, no matter how long the string it refers to is.
  • In general, this is the way in which dynamically sized types are used in Rust.

  • The golden rule of dynamically sized types is that we must always put values of dynamically sized types behind a pointer of some kind.

  • The traits can be Dynamically Sixed too. All we need to do is to put them behind a pointer, such as &dyn Trait or Box<dyn Trait>.

  • The Sized trait

    • A trait that determines whether or not a type's size is known at compile time.

    • You may create a generic function like this:

      fn main() {
      fn generic<T>(t: T) {
          // --snip--
    • But, Rust treats it as if it was re-written like this:

      fn main() {
      // This means generic functions will only work on
      // types who's size is known at the compile time
      fn generic<T: Sized>(t: T) {
          // --snip--
    • It's possible to get over with this restriction:

      fn main() {
      // The ?Sized means “T may or may not be Sized”
      // Now, this fn will accept T whose size may or may not be known at compile time
      // The ?Trait syntax with this meaning is only available for Sized, not any other traits.
      // Also, notice, we're using `&T` and not `T`, now we'll use `T` behind some kind of pointer, here it's reference
      fn generic<T: ?Sized>(t: &T) {
          // --snip--